Some Cartoons that tickle me.

“I understand completely, I like good movies and you like bad movies.”



“Don’t bother, they’re here.”


“In preparation for landing, please turn off your books.”




“Overall, I think my life is stagnating in the right direction.”


“O.K., her mouth is full – run over and ask her if everything is O.K.”

“Whoa. Déjà vu.”


”Happy now, you jerk?”




“Mommy, I don’t think that was a Children’s Advil.”



“Now I can talk on the phone and trample people to death at the same time.”



“The zebra broke, again.”


“Quit worrying about corroborating your sources –
it’s not as if anyone’s going to take all this literally!”


You’ll have to phrase it another way.  They have no word for “fetch”.



“They’re cute.  What are they for?”

“You have till sundown to get rid of those awful curtains.”


"I had a my own blog for a while, but I decided
to go back to just pointless, incessant barking."


”Will you turn that TV down? Can't you see I'm on the phone?”


“Which should we go see: the straight romantic comedy,
where the heroine's best friend is a gay man,
or the gay romantic comedy,
where the hero's best friend is a straight woman?”

“Thank you, Mr. Mulvaney, but what we're really
looking for is someone with talent.”


 "Gays and lesbians getting married - haven't they suffered enough?"


“It was so depressing. When I go to the theatre, I want to be entertained.”


Woulda, coulda, shoulda. Next!”

“No Thursday's out. How about never ….. is never good for you?”


”Tonight's performance has been cancelled because
the star of our show has decided that musicals are stupid.”

“Were we gay?”



"Good-bye, dear friends."



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